Blogs & Media
I have a passion for all things “ship & shipping”, so when I went onboard the Queen Mary 2, I was blown away at her
Back to the Future
In 1927, Desiderata was written by poet and lawyer Max Ehrmann. I am fascinated at how these words still apply to us today. Modern life
Attitude! Attitude! Attitude! Attitude!!! Do you think if I say it enough times, you will realise how important this word is to your life experience?
Helen Keller’s story reminds us of the meaning behind the word “dare”. Becoming blind & deaf at 18 months of age, her world became a
Words are what we use to communicate. The quality of our lives can be directly linked to the quality in which we communicate. One of
‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’ – Albert Einstein said that and we believe a man that discovered so much is a great teacher in reminding
Celebrate Mother’s Day
“I challenge us all to think of the past or a future without our mothers. Motherhood is where life starts. Love life back! This weekend