Frequently Asked Questions


Over the course of a year, leaders in the LIONS program take part in 10 six-hour days of one-on-one coaching and mentorship. These sessions take place once every five weeks and include both transformational conversations and experiential activities.

However, your work in the LIONS program is not confined to these one-on-one sessions. In the weeks between our meetings, you will actively reflect on our thought-provoking discussions and enact meaningful changes in your day-to-day life. By proactively addressing your everyday habits, behaviours, and thinking patterns, you’ll begin to alter your mental processes on a very deep level.

While the LIONS program provides the insight and guidance you’ll need to evolve as a leader, it’s important to emphasise that you must take responsibility for your own transformation over the course of our work together. It is only by becoming very active and aware in your own learning that you can access the most meaningful levels of insight and change.

The LIONS program includes 66 hours of coaching and experiences, and I tailor it to meet each leader’s unique needs. Because of the personalised nature of the program, prices do vary, but in general they begin at AUD$40,000 and go up to $50,000 for the “full” program experience. With the lighter virtual program experience, the price of the program is discounted by up to 25 percent. To find out what your particular program would cost, schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me to discuss your unique LIONS journey.

The lighter virtual program reduces all sessions from six hours to four hours, and also reduces the number of external learning experiences. In this version of the LIONS program, all sessions are conducted virtually. Aside from those differences, however, the program is the same as the full LIONS program. I provide high-level learning and transformation throughout, and we cover all the elements and stages that are part of the full LIONS self-development program.

Congratulations on your desire to reach optimal capacity in your leadership! I have designed the LIONS program to meet the needs of all types of leaders, regardless of their focus, industry, or level of leadership. If you have been tasked with leading and inspiring others, the LIONS program can help you enhance your influence by guiding you toward a more authentic and inspired style of leadership.

Congratulations on your desire to reach optimal capacity in your leadership! I have designed the LIONS program to meet the needs of all types of leaders, regardless of their focus, industry, or level of leadership. If you have been tasked with leading and inspiring others, the LIONS program can help you enhance your influence by guiding you toward a more authentic and inspired style of leadership.

Each stage and element of the LIONS program focuses on developing all four aspects of the self: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Thus, through every stage of the program, you’ll address growth as it relates to thoughts, emotions, body, and spirit (energy).

The LIONS program also incorporates real-life experiences that help solidify your learning, improve your skills, and firmly establish your new habits. Through the powerful practices of role-play and repetition, you’ll hone your skills and create new neurological wiring, first in your conscious brain and then in your subconscious mind, as your new practices develop into intuitive action. Through consistent support and positive reinforcement, we’ll ensure that your new habits become stronger than the pull of old behaviours.

The LIONS program helps you cultivate the inner and outer strength you’ll need to confront the challenges of the unique era we live in.

Over the course of the program, you’ll more fully develop as a leader as you:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of yourself and others.
  • Foster habits that consistently support your highest goals.
  • Understand how to effectively harness your energy.
  • Use scientifically proven methods to reach vibrant, sustainable health.
  • Improve your authentic communication skills.
  • Augment your charisma and more powerfully engage others.
  • Infuse your leadership with personal purpose.
  • Commit to making a positive, big-picture impact on the world.
  • Equip yourself to lead, teach, and thrive in today’s rapidly evolving world.

And you’ll more fully develop in your leadership role as you:

  • Re-shape organisational culture.
  • Improve communication and transparency.
  • Develop employee engagement and motivation.
  • Foster experimentation and innovation.
  • Create a more inclusive, inspiring, and ethical workplace.
  • Use your unique vision to lead others.
  • Build corporate resilience and promote a forward-looking agenda.
  • Cultivate empowered leaders who carry on your legacy.

By the conclusion of the program, you’ll more deftly and effectively:

  • Lead with inclusion.
  • Influence thinking and outcomes.
  • Open minds, hearts, and conversations.
  • Navigate relationships.
  • Shape culture and environment.

Once you’ve completed the first 10 stages of the LIONS program, you’ll have the opportunity during the next six months to experience two additional stages—Stage 11: Ripple Effect and Stage 12: Let’s Talk Legacy. These final stages address how you can use your enhanced insight to develop growth in others and secure your legacy for the future. Stages 11 and 12 take the form of two 90-minute virtual sessions, spaced three months apart.

At the conclusion of the LIONS program, you’ll have internalized a new form of learning—the nine-step neural rewiring process—which will help you address challenges going forward as you continually assess, develop, and evolve in your journey as a leader.


As a LIONS user, you will have access to a personalized dashboard which will contain your information as provided in our initial onboarding process. Within your dashboard will be links to each of the stages and elements. You will also be able to navigate to the LMS from the LIONS home page and Program page. As you are working through each stage on the LMS, you will be able to click through to each following element via buttons at the bottom of each page.

The Learning Management System offers a dynamic experience of all 12 stages of the course, including e-books, exercises, and resources for further learning. The homework and exercises for each stage will be available for download at the beginning and end of each stage. 

I still have questions

I’d love to chat with you about your specific questions. To schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me, please use the Calendly link below.

Book your free 30-minute consultation today to ask me any further questions you may have about the LIONS program.

“You are not a drop in the ocean,
you are the entire ocean in a drop”

– 13thcentury Persian poet Rumi