Great News about Love

A framed image of a heart with "LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED" inside the heart.

More than 2500 years ago, Greek playwright Sophocles wrote; “One word frees us of all weight and pain of life. That word is LOVE”. 

Dr. Sean Mackey (Chief of the Pain Management Division at Stanford University School of Medicine) is one of the researchers in a study that has actually managed to prove that; being in-love actually reduces pain. Love may tap into some of the oldest brain pathways, making us feel euphoric that we ignore pain. Love acted through the same brain pathways as several strong painkillers and addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin. The neural system of Love is connected with the same neural system of Pain. Now how-about-that!!!

Since there is choice in your life and YOU control those choices, which one are you choosing to live right now? Is your attitude coming from a place of Love? Notice and see how your actions are affecting your ability to Love and receive Love.

Imagine the inner strength and resilience you will gain to life’s challenges, when you are empowered by Love.  Imagine the pain and costs you will avoid by remaining healthy through the “good will” of Love.

Don’t limit what you believe “In love” means.  Being “In Love” is an intention, an attitude, an action and a reaction.  It is Loving yourself, your home and family ~ Your business and company ~ Your body, mind and soul ~ Loving the people you work with and for. Loving the people you will cross in life. Find something to love about everything that is your life!

Changing how you are experiencing life right now can be as simple as just that; finding something to love within everything that is your reality.

If you want to know more about how that works, call us at Tribunity to arrange a session on Love.

Wishing you a powerful week fuelled by Love.


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